
Ruby on Rails for .NET Developers

Claudio Lassala

Looking for an open source web application framework for Ruby? Ruby on Rails may be your answer. This workshop, geared specifically to .NET developers will teach attendees how to build a Ruby on Rails web application.

This event took place on Thursday, November 10, 2011.

This class has been postponed until the spring. Please check the spring schedule.

Where:   Onsite at CODE Training Center (6605 Cypresswood

Dr. Suite 300, Spring, TX 77379) or remotely via GoToMeeting
When:    Nov 10 & 11, 2011 (Thursday & Friday)
Desc:      An in-depth lecture style training to enable attendees to write real world applications using Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a very popular stack for building web applications. This training course takes students through how to get started on Rails development, how to build applications with it, how to follow Behavior Driven Development to better target user needs, how to test applications, how to add user authentication and authorization, how to deploy the application to the cloud, and more. This course's main focus is to introduce the student to the main concepts, language, practices, tools, mindset, as a preparation for higher flights on Rails development.

As an added bonus for .NET developers attending to this course the instructor, Claudio Lassala, comes from a .NET background, and will be drawing parallels between Ruby on Rails and .NET, Ruby and C#, etc. during this course.

The training class will be held at our offices in Houston, Texas as well as online via GoToMeeting.  After the class, attendees will receive the PowerPoint slides, the code samples and videos of each class as reference materials. 


9:00 – 10:30 Creating Our First Ruby on Rails Application
Rails enables developer to hit the ground running and create applications fast, even without knowing a lot of Rails or Ruby. We start the training by building a small application and get a quick feel for what's coming.
10:30 – 10:45 BREAK
10:45 – 12:00 Rails Overview
There are certain key aspects of Rails that developers need to know about, and this session covers most of them: Database Migrations, ActiveRecord, Routes, Models, Views, Controllers, etc.
12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 14:45 Ruby Primer
After having experienced some Rails, it's time to start understanding the language we use to build our applications, which is the same that the framework is built on: Ruby. Here we go over the language's main constructs, as well as some of the features that enables some of the Rails magic.
14:45 – 15:00 BREAK
15:00 – 17:00 Development Environment and Setup
There isn't a single ultimate setup for Rails development that everybody uses. There are certain common core things that need to be installed, and certain tools that are more popular than others. Here we learn how to get the minimal environment setup, and what a couple of the options available are.
17:00 – ?? Open Discussion
After a full day of learning, we wrap things up with an open discussion for questions, comments, ideas, or anything else related to the course.

9:00 – 9:30 Using Haml as the View Engine
The default view template system for Rails is Embedded Ruby (ERb). Other view engines can be used, though, and here we learn about one of them: Haml, which allows for cleaner views to be written.
9:30 – 10:00 Using a Document Database
Besides supporting relational databases, Rails also work well with document databases. Here we learn about one of them, Mongodb, and how to use it in a Rails application.
10:00 – 10:15 BREAK
10:15 – 11:15 Automated Testing
Rails has been built from the ground up with testability in mind. It's easy to test the code you write, and it's easy to write tests that use Rails elements. Here we learn how to write our first tests for a Rails application, using two of the most popular "gems": RSpec and Cucumber.
11:15 - 11:30 BREAK
11:30 – 12:00 Behavior Driven Development
BDD is a development technique that improves the understand of the software being built by everybody involved. It improves planning of features and rids the project of unpleasant surprises due to erroneous expectations. Here we learn more about this practice and how certain tools used in Rails development can help us along the way.
12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 15:30 Putting it All Together - Part 1
We've seen an application quickly built on Rails, and covered several core aspects, tools, and practices of Rails development. Here we bring all this knowledge together into building another application, applying everything we've learned so far, and introducing a couple more things, such as user authentication and authorization, deploying the application to the cloud, and more.
15:30 – 15:45 BREAK
15:45 – 17:00 Putting it All Together - Part 2
Continuation of the previous session.
17:00 – ?? Open Discussion
Here we have another chance for an open discussion: questions, comments, ideas, etc… We will also go over recommendations for resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) that should help take your Rails kung-fu to the next level.

** Please note that times are approximate and meant to be flexible depending on class participation and questions.

Registration is extremely limited. For more information please e-mail info@codemag.com or call Christopher at 832-717-4445 x 13.

Discounts may be available for companies who have previously attended our classes. Call Christopher for details. Please note that instructors & exact curriculum may change. All sales are final.

Key Take-Aways:

Slide Deck Source Code Downloadable recordings of all the sessions Certificate of Completion Free CODE Magazine subscription Discount off of future CODE Training Classes

Class Outline:

Introduction to Ruby Introduction to Rails Ask the Experts / Q&A

Venue Information

Event can be attended either on-site in our Houston offices or remotely via GoToMeeting.

Address is:
CODE Training & EPS Software Corp
6605 Cypresswood Drive, Suite 300
Spring, TX 77379

Phone: 832-717-4445 ext 13
Email: info@codemag.com