Closable | Indicates whether an element can be independently closed |
CloseAction | Command to be triggered when a view (element) is closed |
ColumnBreak | `Attached` property used to define column breaks |
Docked | Indicates whether a view element is "docked" into the `main` object or not. |
FlowsWithPrevious | Property used to determine whether the control is to be seen as a standard flow element, or whether it is to be put together with the previous element |
FocusForwardingIsEnabled | Indicates whether focus forwarding is enabled |
FocusForwardingTarget | This property can be bound to a property in a view model (or other data context) to update the property with a reference to `whatever` object currently has focus. |
GroupBreak | Property used to determine group break (adds a space between elements) |
Group | `Attached` property to set any view's group |
GroupTitle | Group caption/title |
HeightEx | `Attached` property to set an element's logical height ("1" usually represents the height of about 1 character, but exact dimensions are up to the current style) |
IconResourceKey | `Attached` property to set any view's icon resource key |
IsStandAloneEditControl | Defines whether a control is a stand-alone edit control in an automatic layout (this control is NOT considered to be a label but the edit control instead and the next control is NOT considered the edit control but a new group of controls altogether) |
IsStandAloneLabel | Defines whether a control is a stand-alone label in an automatic layout (next control is NOT considered the edit control but a new group of controls altogether) |
LabelFontFamily | Font family for the abstract label |
LabelFontSize | Font size for the abstract label |
LabelFontStyle | Font style for the abstract label |
LabelFontWeight | Font weight for the abstract label |
LabelForegroundBrush | Font color for the abstract label |
Label | An abstract `label` property that can be used to assign labels to arbitrary controls |
LineBreak | Property used to determine whether a line break shall be forced before the control |
MaxHeightEx | `Attached` property to set an element's logical maximum height ("1" usually represents the height of about 1 character, but exact dimensions are up to the current style) |
MaxWidthEx | `Attached` property to set an element's logical maximum width ("1" usually represents the width of about 1 character, but exact dimensions are up to the current style) |
MinHeightEx | `Attached` property to set an element's logical minimum height ("1" usually represents the height of about 1 character, but exact dimensions are up to the current style) |
MinWidthEx | `Attached` property to set an element's logical minimum width ("1" usually represents the width of about 1 character, but exact dimensions are up to the current style) |
SizeStrategy | `Attached` property to set the view's desired sizing strategy |
SpanFullWidth | Property used to determine whether the control shall span the complete available width |
SuggestedHeight | Suggested view height |
SuggestedWidth | Suggested view width |
SupportsDocking | Indicates whether an element can be docked and undocked |
TitleColor | Color associated with the Title. (Note: Not all elements that respect the Title also respect the color. It's an optional setting) |
Title | `Attached` property to set any view's title |
UIElementTitle | Defines the title of the UI element |
UIElementType | Property used to determine group break (adds a space between elements) |
ViewThemeColor | Theme color used by the view (utilized by some themes to create color schemes) |
WidthEx | `Attached` property to set an element's logical width ("1" usually represents the width of about 1 character, but exact dimensions are up to the current style) |
CODE Framework Cheat Sheet
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